This pristine E-Type FHC (Fixed Head Coupe) has serial number 9. This car is one of twenty made. Only eleven vehicles are still known to exist, including 9600 HP - the E-Type series prototype introduced to the public in 1961 at the Geneva Motor Show.

There are fewer Outside-Lock coupes than C-Types, D-Types, andXKSSs, which makes this car one of the rarest Jaguars ever produced. The regular production coupe was not available to the general public until 1962, and all of the first coupes were hand-built. That is why many features of the Outside-Lock Coupes are singularly theirs, and most all the other parts for the Jaguar coupes are not interchangeable.

This rare example underwent a complete rotisserie restorationat Images European. Hundreds of hours were invested in researching, sourcing, and authenticating parts, color, finishes, and interior materials. We made every effort to ensure that every nut, bolt, clip, and wire was where it was intended to be.

Before our clients' acquisition, Jaguar expert Michael Mueller owned Coupe #9 for 20 years. You won’t believe it, but he bought it on E-bay! Michael has our gratitude for seeing this restoration project to its completion. Also, we would like to express our appreciation to our dearest partners Will at SNG Barrat, Steve at XK’s Unlimited, Dave Welsh of Welsh Jaguar, and his trusted sidekick Boone. Thank you for making this fantastic project real.